If your locked out of your car, Don’t Panic! Call us First! We are here for you. We can open almost any automobile from American to Foreign. We will get you back on the road, fast, with a great price. Commercial Vehicles, BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, Audi are an additional fee.
If you are locked out of your Home, no problem, we can get you back in at no time. We attempt to pick the lock at first and if we do not have any luck, we drill the lock out and give you the option to purchase new hardware from us. Beware, There are locksmiths out there who do not even attempt to pick a lock. They will insist on drilling your lock for hundreds of dollars more than what they tell you on the phone and then sell you there hardware for hundreds of even more dollars. Don’t get Scammed! Beware, These are theirs, who are trained to lie and convince you to spend more money. Please watch the video on our home page. A real locksmith will not pull stunts like that. If We need to drill we usually include that in our price and sell our hardware for a very reasonable price.
We can also get you back into your storage unit.